Technische Hochschule Köln
Capacity Development Hub
This work package is concerned with capacity development as a key for ensuring upscaling and deep scaling of research results for creating awareness, knowledge, and changes in behaviors and practices of target stakeholders. The proposed capacity development measures target different groups and beneficiaries.
Two of the main objectives are developing and implementing an FSN-related Master's program at Rovuma University in Nampula and establishing two "Training Centers in Educational Technologies” (CFTE) at the UEM. UROV for implementing Training of Trainers activities supporting the MSc development.The development of LOOCs and training and the production of fact sheets and videos on Good Practice Examples for extension workers, communities, district administration, and non-governmental partners are other important instruments for the exploitation and dissemination of project results.
The implementation of experimental fields and the development of guidelines for the production, storage, and transformation of food crops are further important instruments to strengthen local resilience.