
Establishment of a Master's programme at the University of Rovuma in Nampula

Establishment of a Master's programme at the University of Rovuma in Nampula

As a result of the FEMOZ project, the Master Programme in Food and Nutrition Security in the Context of Climate Change was developed and established at the Faculty of Food Science and Agriculture - University of Rovuma. In September 2022, the Master's programme received accreditation from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education and is scheduled to start in March 2023.

The use of FEMOZ's research results and methodological approaches in practice is a central concern of the project. This includes developing and establishing a Master's programme that links food security and climate change/disaster risk management ("Master in Food and Nutrition Security in the Context of Climate Change"). Prof. Dr Samuel Quive, Mozambican project coordinator and Dean at Eduardo Mondlane University, and Dr Karin Fiege (Institute for Technology and Resource Management in the Tropics, TH Köln) supported the academic team of the Faculty of Food Science and Agriculture at the UniRov in developing a corresponding curriculum. The basis for this was, among other things, studies conducted on international offers in the two subject areas as well as demand analyses among potential employers of the future graduates. 
The Master's course is designed for two years, and the contents follow a holistic approach: the topics of food security and climate change are viewed from both natural and social science perspectives, a high level of practical and application relevance in training and research is intended to make a concrete contribution to solving local challenges.  

In September 2022, the Master's programme received accreditation from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education and is scheduled to start in March 2023. FEMOZ supports Rovuma with a training of trainers programme, lecturers from UEM and ITT will offer courses together with Rovuma faculty, FEMOZ research results will be integrated into various modules in the form of case studies, among others, and joint research lines will be defined.  
For the University of Rovuma and its environment, the Master's programme with its thematic focus is of great importance: The north of Mozambique is considered a "granary" with significant agricultural potential, while malnutrition and undernourishment of the population is a central problem. The provinces of the north are rich in raw materials, but at the same time, they have been affected by social unrest, poverty and terrorist attacks for years. High-quality training in food security in disaster risks provides professionals who can offer and push for solutions to problems.

Universidade Rovuma 

  • A public institution created in 2019 and implemented in the provinces of Nampula, Cabo Delgado and Niassa
  • Headquarters: Nampula City
  • Faculty of Food and Agricultural Science
  • General E-mail: