Technische Hochschule Köln
The international conference on rural food environments organised in Maputo aims to provide knowledge exchange and productive discussions on the characteristics and challenges of rural food environments of the Global South while also seeking to explore innovative ideas to strengthen their resilience. The conference is aimed at interested researchers, practitioners and students from various disciplines in the fields of food and nutrition security.
This international conference is organised by the FEMOZ project consortium ("Strengthening the Resilience of Rural Food Environments in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change in Mozambique"), constituted by the following institutions Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM), University of Applied Sciences Cologne (TH Köln) and Frankenförderer Forschungsgesellschaft (FFG). FEMOZ is an applied, interdisciplinary research project assessing food environments and food and nutrition challenges in Mozambique since 2021.
The conference is organised into five thematic sessions. Each session will focus on specific topics and present its diversity in the form of lectures, workshops, films, panel discussions, and posters, among others.
We invite interested colleagues to participate in one of these sessions. Please submit a one-page abstract (ca. 250 words) or a poster outline by the 31 of July 2023 (email: Selected scientific contributions will be published in the conference proceedings. Each session will include input from FEMOZ researchers on project outcomes.
For more information of the Conference, please see our Conference Announcement (in English and Portuguese) and Call for Papers (English in and Portuguese).