Technische Hochschule Köln
The DAAD erKaRi 2023 Summer School will focus on food security in a changing climate context through concepts, tools and practice.
In the context of food insecurity and the consequences of climate change that severely affects Mozambique, the erKaRi Summer School 2023 aims to contribute to the development of research capacity and holistic understanding of these phenomena.
The erKaRi Summer School is organized in the framework of the German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) in cooperation with the Eduardo Mondlane University - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, and the Institute for Technology and Resource Management in the Tropics and Sub-Tropics (ITT) at the Technical University of Cologne.
Based on the objectives of the DAAD programme, the Summer School has proposed several learning outcomes, including:
The erKaRi Summer School welcomes applications from young professionals on with a demonstrable interest in Food Safety in a Climate Change Context and a solid academic background. Each application will be considered on the merits of the applicant by the Summer School Selection Committee. Interested persons can apply through the Application Form 2023. The deadline for registration is 15 August 2023.
The process of application, needed documents and further details are enclosed in the announcement. Please note that the language of application is portuguesse.
Register through this registration form, or follow this link:
Please note that applications received after this date will not be considered.